Monday, February 25, 2008

Thats a Chinese Myth Dragon

About a month ago Andrea and I visited the land in Kowloon City that she has proclaimed "Little Thailand" during a big Pad Thai craving. It was a very Cantonese resturaunt so I let Andrea ask for a vegetarian version for me. Simple enough, and the waitress expressed a clear understanding. When our meals arrived, I noticed mine was significantly less colourful than Andrea's because not only was there no meat, there was also no vegetables, only egg and noodles. When we were finished Andrea asked the waitress why I had no vegetables. They spoke back in forth in Cantonese for about 5 minutes as Andrea started to look more and more confused. It turns out that at the end of an ancient Chinese legend, a pig, cow and chicken turn into that particular green vegetable which led to the logic that I don't eat it either. I clearly need to look more into what my food originally was in its past life.

1 comment:

andrea said...

this hilariously occurred after the waitress asked me why you had shrimp tails (from the shrimp i generously donated to your colourless cause)on your plate if you were a veggiemite.

youve been added to my incestuous ryehigh jskool blogroll. let the creeping begin for all parties involved.