Tuesday, February 19, 2008

HK Love

I am sitting in my room eating the best pear I have ever eaten in my life only 2 days after eating the best mango in my life. This has inspired me to reflect on the other amazing things of Hong Kong.
1) The Cat Place (roughly translated from Cantonese): An adorable little cafe, accessible through a sketchy hallway and up a ghetto elevator where cats and bunnies rub up against your leg while you eat cat shaped Tirimisu.
2)<----- Junction Park: The perfect date for two aging recluses lost in HK; cherries, elderly exercising and Understanding the Holy War. The park has re-invented playground equipment intended for low impact workouts for HK’s adorable aged.
3) Stores that sell $600 HK Marc Jacobs heels (approx $85 CDN): Direct from the factory and on sale, it’s possible.
4) Random neighbors who make dinner for you: Forcing me to like unidentified food.
5) Jackie Chan is my neighbor: Okay, well not quite. His office is about a 5 min walk from my building.
6) Signs that say “Tim Fuk Road”: Immaturity at its greatest.
7) Having a window that looks into the fitness centre at the neighbouring fire station. 8 ) Drinking beer on the street.
9) Professors who accommodate for non-English speaking students by insisting essays be written in point form with abbreviations.
10) The everyday opportunities to become a better person: Taking advantage of the most pivotal experience that will make me the adult I will be. 11) The Edison Chen Scandal: wiki it.
12) 50% off tea-time sushi. Salmon hand roll for 65 cents Canadian. Why not?


Percy Chatsworth said...

$85 CDN for Marc Jacobs heels!
Dear god, I'm a man and I'm oh so excited by the thought of that. In case you're wondering, I knew Andrea in high school and found a link from her blog to your food entry.

andrea said...

this photo is disgusting, it needs to be taken down like a clown. no excuses now that i have new exercise photos.